CONNECT to a new spiritual family with whom you can build healthy lasting relationships.
About Next Steps . . .
From your initial decision to accept Jesus as your Savior to your role in changing lives, we’ll lead you through the steps to finding great fulfillment in relationships and service in the church community.
When you start the NEXT STEPS journey, you’re taking the first step to connecting to the Generations Church family and becoming a partner in the vision we are pursuing together. That vision is to build a thriving church for all generations.
Next Steps videos are offered in the Church Center app. Set Generations Church as your home church to view videos.
CONNECT to a new spiritual family with whom you can build healthy lasting relationships.
Find great fulfillment as you SERVE others and partner in building His church by living life beyond yourself.
Learn to GROW as you devote yourself to learning and maturing for a lifetime.
Find greater purpose as you COMMIT your life to Christ, His church, and His cause.
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