Ethnic kitchen interior, panoramic view, 3d render

Is church more than just a service?

Last night we had pork schnitzel and mashed potatos for supper. (Special request placed by my oldest.) I happily obliged with the caveat that everybody would help clean up; because it’s a bit of work and makes a few dishes. Being apart of a family is so much more than just dining and dashing, and when we stick around, the rewards are great.

As family we celebrate together, care for one another and we deal with hard things when we need to. It’s not always apple pie and ice-cream, but we’re there for each other no matter what. We know that we’re each other’s people and we’re willing to care for the ones that are ours.
I’ve been thinking about the church lately. Everywhere online people are asking the question “Why can’t the church just meet online?” They haven’t experienced the level of relationship that goes beyond just showing up for a service. They haven’t experienced the church in a way that looks like family. They’re aware the church offers a Sunday service but they aren’t aware that the church is so much more than that. They might not know the love and care that the body of Christ is meant to show each other. They may never have seen others lay down their life for a friend, or sacrifice time, energy or finances for another. There is no way you could experience the depth of family relationship designed for the body of Christ by only consuming content. Faith is so much more, that’s why food and fellowship are such an important part of the Christian life!
In the last few weeks I’ve been so proud of our church family. Generations Church you are shining bright! Love is very practical and church family is so much more than a Sunday service. I’ve seen notes and cards sent to encourage others. Gifts to cheer someone up. Time invested into the next generation. Meals prepared and delivered to someone who lost a loved one, a family who experienced a medical emergency and another woman who had surgery. A generous offering given to cover surprise financial expenses when otherwise it may have seemed impossible. (Sometimes the cost was out of your overflow and sometimes it was out of your lack, yet you still gave.)
Can you imagine a family that only every listened to a radio announcement at the same time together? How would they ever get to know each other? When would they ever see “the look” in each others eyes? When would they ever “know” that one of them is not okay? Even if it’s doing the dishes together, it’s always going to be worth it to be together.

Love to you all,

Pastor Amy

There is no way you could experience the depth of family relationship designed for the body of Christ by only consuming content. Faith is so much more, that’s why food and fellowship are such an important part of the Christian life!

“...that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:27‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬

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