Generations Church Value: We’re genuinely FUN! Being fun, and having fun is a part of our DNA at Generations Church. We believe that church should be one of the most fun places you can go. We want everybody to laugh and smile while they are together, we love having fun.
I love having fun! I love to play pranks on people, I love to make people laugh, and I love to create memorable moments. The older I get, the more I have to ask myself… am I any fun? Do my kids even know that I used to be fun? I still want to be fun! It’s easy to get tired out and work too hard or too long, and forget that being fun requires being intentional. Sometimes it just requires a choice to be fun, sometimes it requires some planning and preparation.
Growing up, my dad was always making memories and making things fun. If we were bored somewhere he would always tell us something like this, “Places aren’t boring, people are boring, so go be the fun.”
My dad is known for his silly story telling and carrying on, and even still, bedtime with his grandkids is all about giggles and silliness from his crazy stories. He’s always prepared with an age appropriate joke for any crowd that he finds himself in. There is always a card game to play when sitting around a table with friends and family, so that everybody has a good time and goes away laughing.
I have memories of him organizing games of “scrub baseball” while camping or at large get togethers, especially if there was a lot of sitting around. (He has been known to replace the softball with a painted white grapefruit so that the person up to bat experienced a surprising splatter rather than an expected connect with the ball.) He was always planning ahead to make sure there would be a laugh for everybody. More than once at the lake during summer vacation, he has gathered a team of his cousins and brothers; to ultimately wear shower caps on their heads and perform a “manly” synchronized swimming routine together. Of course everybody within viewing distance would be laughing and enjoying their antics.
Many times my dad has gone out of his way to make sure that a party would have some fun and laughter. “Bobbing for goldfish” at family reunions was definitely one for the books that still brings back fun memories. For his sibling’s birthdays he has gifted numerous ridiculous presents including delivering live animals to their yards for the “old goat,” or the “old hen”. Many years ago, he was the guy at a wedding party, teaching the chicken dance to a bunch of “church people” who were always just a little too “chicken” to dance before that.
When people think of church they often think of boring, lame and stuffy… definitely not a place they would choose to spend their time. When they think of Christians they often have the same idea; that they are people who are boring, lame, stuffy and don’t know how to have a good time. Certainly, they don’t consider church and Christians to be synonymous with FUN. We determined that we would be a church that valued fun, and was fun. We wanted church to be a place where we wanted to be, and our kids wanted to be. We think it’s a place that you will want to be!
So if you attend Generations we hope you have experienced fun with us. And if you haven’t yet, stick around long enough and you’ll become a part of the crew who create fun, who make memories and try to “be the fun.”
~ Pastor Amy