We should be full of expectation and faith for the future, but we need to put our hope in the right place. Our hope must be fixed on Jesus.
Is church more than just a service?

We should be full of expectation and faith for the future, but we need to put our hope in the right place. Our hope must be fixed on Jesus.
We should be full of expectation and faith for the future, but we need to put our hope in the right place. Our hope must be fixed on Jesus.
What’s the difference between a calling and an appointment? Leadership Thoughts by Pastor Travis.
Happy Thanksgiving! However you are able to celebrate this weekend, we hope you know that you are loved and valued and you don’t have to be alone.Reach out to someone around you if you’re experiencing feelings of isolation.With so many uncertainties and changes going on around us, it’s important to make sure that we are… Continue reading Turkey
I’m remembering back to the days when attending church with four little kids in tow was always some kind of “adventure”. Just getting out the door without some kind of diaper explosion or meltdown, or emergency need to sit on the potty for a half an hour as we were rushing out the door would… Continue reading Convenient Church
Generations Church Value: We’re genuinely FUN! Being fun, and having fun is a part of our DNA at Generations Church. We believe that church should be one of the most fun places you can go. We want everybody to laugh and smile while they are together, we love having fun. I love having fun! I… Continue reading VALUE: Genuinely Fun
Have you ever been involved in a friendship where things got messy? At Generations Church we always say in order to have authentic relationship we have to lean into the mess. That means that we have to be honest, we have to be willing to work through conflict, hurt feelings and disappointment. Our human nature is to… Continue reading When Things Get Messy
When I was 18 years old I was determined to find out whether or not God was real. Something in me needed to find out if He was real because I didn’t want to waste my life operating outside of what He had for me. As I prepared for several years of university and considered… Continue reading The Day I Almost Died